Package-level declarations
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inline suspend fun EvolveScope<*, *>.parallelProcess(parallelismLimit: Int, startIteration: Int, endIteration: Int, crossinline action: suspend (iteration: Int, random: Random) -> Unit)
Iterative parallel process action from startIteration to endIteration.
inline suspend fun EvolveScope<*, *>.parallelProcess(parallelismLimit: Int, startIteration: Int, endIteration: Int, step: Int, crossinline action: suspend (iteration: Int, random: Random) -> Unit)
Iterative parallel process action from startIteration to endIteration with step.
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inline fun EvolveScope<*, *>.process(parallelismLimit: Int, sequential: () -> Unit, parallel: () -> Unit)
Process action with sequential or parallel mode.
inline suspend fun EvolveScope<*, *>.process(parallelismLimit: Int, startIteration: Int, endIteration: Int, crossinline action: suspend (iteration: Int, random: Random) -> Unit)
Iterative process action from startIteration to endIteration.
inline suspend fun EvolveScope<*, *>.process(parallelismLimit: Int, startIteration: Int, endIteration: Int, step: Int, crossinline action: suspend (iteration: Int, random: Random) -> Unit)
Iterative process action from startIteration to endIteration with step.