Package-level declarations
The best Chromosome in Population by fitness. Uses a StatisticsConfig.guaranteedSorted for optimization, except in the case of a call from DistributedEvolveScope.
The best Chromosome in Population by fitness.
The best fitness of Chromosome in Population. Uses a StatisticsConfig.guaranteedSorted for optimization, except in the case of a call from DistributedEvolveScope.
The best fitness of Chromosome in Population.
Mean fitness value of chromosomes in Population
Median fitness value of chromosomes in Population
Duration between current and previous iteration.
The worst Chromosome in Population by fitness. Uses a StatisticsConfig.guaranteedSorted for optimization, except in the case of a call from DistributedEvolveScope.
The worst Chromosome in Population by fitness.
The worst fitness of Chromosome in Population. Uses a StatisticsConfig.guaranteedSorted for optimization, except in the case of a call from DistributedEvolveScope.
The worst fitness of Chromosome in Population.
Creates Statistic for best Chromosome in Population by fitness.
Creates Statistic for best fitness of Chromosome in Population.
Creates Statistic for mean fitness value of chromosomes in Population
Creates Statistic for median fitness value of chromosomes in Population
Creates Statistic for size of Population
Creates Statistic for current timeIteration.
Creates Statistic for worst Chromosome in Population by fitness.
Creates Statistic for worst fitness of Chromosome in Population.