cx Blend
suspend fun <F> PanmicticEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.cxBlend(chance: Double, alpha: Double, parallelismLimit: Int = parallelismConfig.workersCount, crossoverType: CrossoverType = CrossoverType.Iterative)
suspend fun <F> PanmicticEvolveScope<FloatArray, F>.cxBlend(chance: Double, alpha: Float, parallelismLimit: Int = parallelismConfig.workersCount, crossoverType: CrossoverType = CrossoverType.Iterative)
Executes a blend crossover that modify in-place the input chromosomes. The blend crossover expects Chromosome.value of floating point numbers.
chance of crossover between a pair of chromosomes
Extent of the interval in which the new values can be drawn for each attribute on both side of the parents’ attributes.
parallelism Limit
limit of parallel workers
crossover Type
describes the strategy of the crossing stage in PanmicticGA