cx Simulated Binary Bounded
suspend fun <F> PanmicticEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.cxSimulatedBinaryBounded(chance: Double, eta: Double, low: Double, up: Double, parallelismLimit: Int = parallelismConfig.workersCount, crossoverType: CrossoverType = CrossoverType.Iterative)
Executes a simulated binary crossover that modify in-place the input chromosomes. The simulated binary crossover expects Chromosome.value of floating point numbers.
chance of crossover between a pair of chromosomes
Crowding degree of the crossover. A high eta will produce children resembling to their parents, while a small eta will produce solutions much more different.
a value that is the lower bound of the search space.
a value that is the upper bound of the search space.
parallelism Limit
limit of parallel workers
crossover Type
describes the strategy of the crossing stage in PanmicticGA