Performs a fitness calculation step for chromosomes in the population.
If PanmicticConfig.elitism 0 moves elite chromosomes forward:
it is guaranteed that the first PanmicticConfig.elitism individuals will be the best in the population after evaluation
it is guaranteed that the first PanmicticConfig.elitism individuals will be the best in the population in descending order after evaluation only if sortAfter is true
NOTE the evaluateElite flag - elite chromosomes are not calculated by default!
See evaluate for calculating the fitness of a single chromosome.
limit of parallel workers
evaluate fitness function for elite chromosomes. Default is false for the purpose of optimizing calculations because basically it is need only at PanmicticConfig.beforeEvolution stage when the PanmicticPopulation fitness values have probably not yet been calculated. In other cases, it is considered that the elite chromosomes were not subject to change, and therefore did not change their fitness values.
!!! NOTE !!!
If you are planning to increase PanmicticEvolveScope.elitism after GA started or your PanmicticEvolveScope.fitnessFunction does not guarantee the same result for the same Chromosome.value throughout the entire GA run (it has side effects) Change evaluateElite to true for correct behavior
if true population will be sorting in descending order after evaluation
fitnessFunction for evaluation stage