
open override var guaranteedSorted: Boolean

Optimization flag for statistics. Default is false.


  • it is not recommended to use this optimization for cGA

  • use it if you expect performance gains for statistical operators when getting a sorted population, see example below

If true:

  • executes Best, Worst, Mean with O(1)

  • statistics operators change their implementation - waiting to receive a sorted population in descending order only

  • executes it only in safe zones of evolve strategy (see Example below)

If false:

  • executes Best, Worst with O(N), Mean with O(N*log(N)).

  • order in population is irrelevant


statisticsConfig {
guaranteedSorted = true // Set flag to true

// create evolution strategy
evolve {
// other genetic operators
// Danger zone: the order of chromosomes is unknown
evaluation(sortAfter = true) // evaluate population and sort in descending order
// Safe zone: population sorted by descending
stat(best(), worst()) // OK but inefficient:
// without sorting: O(N) + O(N)
// with sorting: O(N*log(N)) + O(1) + O(1)

// other genetic operators
// Danger zone: the order of chromosomes is unknown
// Safe zone: population sorted by descending
stat(best(), mean(), worst()) // OK and efficient
// without sorting: O(N) + O(N*log(N)) + O(N)
// with sorting: O(N*log(N)) + O(1) + O(1)

See also