Package-level declarations
Cached neighborhood relevance flag. If false
recalculate cache with cacheNeighborhood.
Executes CellularType.Asynchronous mode for CellularGA.
Recalculates neighborhood cache for CellularNeighborhood and CellularPopulation.dimens if isCacheNeighborhoodActual is false
. Then saves result to CellularEvolveScope.neighborsIndicesCache and set isCacheNeighborhoodActual to true
Evaluation stage for CellEvolveScope.cell.
Unique genetic operator for CellularGA performs an evolutionary strategy evolution for cells in CellularPopulation. The execution process is carried out depending on the CellularType.
Executes cellEvolution for cell in CellularEvolveScope.population with index and set result to target.
If Population is not initialized - Fills a Population with randomly generated Chromosomes by Population.factory.
Executes CellularType.Synchronous mode (creating temp target population) for CellularGA.