
interface CellEvolveScope<V, F>

CellEvolveScope - evolveScope for cellular evolutionary strategy based on the evolution of a cell dependent on its neighbors.

V - value of Chromosome

F - fitness value of Chromosome

// Structure of a cellular population example:
Dimens.square(length = 5)
VonNeumann(radius = 1)


Where C - cell chromosome, N - neighbors for current cell chromosomes, X - other chromosomes in population.

The cellular evolutionary strategy is that all genetic operators are applied only on the target cell using only its neighbors: X chromosomes have no direct influence on the C chromosome during cellular evolution. Gene transfer between chromosomes that are not neighbors of each other occurs through common neighbors or common neighbors of neighbors, etc.

Not a standalone implementation of EvolveScope, it exists exclusively in the context of CellularEvolveScope.

Creates with CellEvolveScope().

See also


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abstract var cell: Chromosome<V, F>

The target cell-chromosome for which evolution will occur.

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abstract var fitnessFunction: (V) -> F

Fitness function - a function that evaluates the quality or "fitness" of each individual (chromosome) in a population. The fitness function determines how well a particular solution matches the target problem. It can be changed.

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abstract val neighbors: Array<Chromosome<V, F>>

The neighbors chromosomes of the target cell chromosome used by genetic operators as participants in evolution for cell.

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abstract val random: Random

Random for single cellular evolution. Defines a pseudorandom number generator for predictive calculations.


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inline fun <V, F> CellEvolveScope<V, F>.crossover(chance: Double, crossover: (chromosome1: Chromosome<V, F>, chromosome2: Chromosome<V, F>) -> Unit)

Performs a crossover step for population in CellularGA that modify in-place the input chromosomes.

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@JvmName(name = "crossoverUniformArray")
fun <T, F> CellEvolveScope<Array<T>, F>.crossoverUniform(chance: Double, chanceUniform: Double)
@JvmName(name = "crossoverUniformBooleanArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<BooleanArray, F>.crossoverUniform(chance: Double, chanceUniform: Double)
@JvmName(name = "crossoverUniformByteArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<ByteArray, F>.crossoverUniform(chance: Double, chanceUniform: Double)
@JvmName(name = "crossoverUniformCharArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<CharArray, F>.crossoverUniform(chance: Double, chanceUniform: Double)
@JvmName(name = "crossoverUniformDoubleArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.crossoverUniform(chance: Double, chanceUniform: Double)
@JvmName(name = "crossoverUniformFloatArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<FloatArray, F>.crossoverUniform(chance: Double, chanceUniform: Double)
@JvmName(name = "crossoverUniformIntArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<IntArray, F>.crossoverUniform(chance: Double, chanceUniform: Double)
@JvmName(name = "crossoverUniformLongArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<LongArray, F>.crossoverUniform(chance: Double, chanceUniform: Double)
@JvmName(name = "crossoverUniformShortArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<ShortArray, F>.crossoverUniform(chance: Double, chanceUniform: Double)
@JvmName(name = "crossoverUniformMutableList")
fun <T, F> CellEvolveScope<MutableList<T>, F>.crossoverUniform(chance: Double, chanceUniform: Double)

Executes a uniform crossover that modify in-place the input chromosomes. The attributes are swapped according to the chanceUniform probability.

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@JvmName(name = "cxBlendDoubleArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.cxBlend(chance: Double, alpha: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxBlendFloatArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<FloatArray, F>.cxBlend(chance: Double, alpha: Float)

Executes a blend crossover that modify in-place the input chromosomes. The blend crossover expects Chromosome.value of floating point numbers.

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@JvmName(name = "cxKPointArray")
fun <T, F> CellEvolveScope<Array<T>, F>.cxKPoint(count: Int, chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxKPointBooleanArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<BooleanArray, F>.cxKPoint(count: Int, chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxKPointByteArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<ByteArray, F>.cxKPoint(count: Int, chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxKPointCharArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<CharArray, F>.cxKPoint(count: Int, chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxKPointDoubleArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.cxKPoint(count: Int, chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxKPointFloatArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<FloatArray, F>.cxKPoint(count: Int, chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxKPointIntArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<IntArray, F>.cxKPoint(count: Int, chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxKPointLongArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<LongArray, F>.cxKPoint(count: Int, chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxKPointShortArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<ShortArray, F>.cxKPoint(count: Int, chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxKPointMutableList")
fun <T, F> CellEvolveScope<MutableList<T>, F>.cxKPoint(count: Int, chance: Double)

Executes a K point crossover on the input sequence individuals. The two values are modified in place.

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@JvmName(name = "cxOnePointArray")
fun <T, F> CellEvolveScope<Array<T>, F>.cxOnePoint(chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxOnePointBooleanArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<BooleanArray, F>.cxOnePoint(chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxOnePointByteArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<ByteArray, F>.cxOnePoint(chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxOnePointCharArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<CharArray, F>.cxOnePoint(chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxOnePointDoubleArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.cxOnePoint(chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxOnePointFloatArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<FloatArray, F>.cxOnePoint(chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxOnePointIntArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<IntArray, F>.cxOnePoint(chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxOnePointLongArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<LongArray, F>.cxOnePoint(chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxOnePointShortArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<ShortArray, F>.cxOnePoint(chance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "cxOnePointMutableList")
fun <T, F> CellEvolveScope<MutableList<T>, F>.cxOnePoint(chance: Double)

Executes a one point crossover on the input sequence individuals. The two values are modified in place.

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@JvmName(name = "cxOrderedIntArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<IntArray, F>.cxOrdered(chance: Double)

Executes an ordered crossover (OX) on the input chromosome values. The two value are modified in place. This crossover expects Chromosome.value as IntArray. Mixes indexes without conflicts, preserving parental relationships.

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@JvmName(name = "cxSimulatedBinaryDoubleArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.cxSimulatedBinary(chance: Double, eta: Double)

Executes a simulated binary crossover that modify in-place the input chromosomes. The simulated binary crossover expects Chromosome.value of floating point numbers.

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@JvmName(name = "cxSimulatedBinaryBoundedDoubleArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.cxSimulatedBinaryBounded(chance: Double, eta: Double, low: Double, up: Double)

Executes a simulated binary crossover that modify in-place the input chromosomes. The simulated binary crossover expects Chromosome.value of floating point numbers.

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fun <V, F> CellEvolveScope<V, F>.evaluation(compareWithSecondChild: Boolean = true, fitnessFunction: (V) -> F = this.fitnessFunction)

Evaluation stage for CellEvolveScope.cell.

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inline fun <V, F> CellEvolveScope<V, F>.mutation(chance: Double, mutation: (chromosome: Chromosome<V, F>) -> Unit)

Performs a mutation step for population in CellularGA that modify in-place the input chromosomes. Mutates CellEvolveScope.cell.

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@JvmName(name = "mutFlipBitBooleanArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<BooleanArray, F>.mutFlipBit(chance: Double, flipBitChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutFlipBitIntArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<IntArray, F>.mutFlipBit(chance: Double, flipBitChance: Double)

Flip the value of the attributes of the input chromosome. The chromosome is expected to be a BooleanArray. This mutation is usually applied on boolean individuals.

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fun <F> CellEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.mutGaussian(mean: Double, stddev: Double, chance: Double, gaussianChance: Double)

Applies a gaussian mutation of mean mean and standard deviation stddev on the input chromosome. This mutation expects Chromosome.value of floating point numbers.

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fun <F> CellEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.mutPolynomialBounded(eta: Double, low: Double, up: Double, chance: Double, polynomialBoundedChance: Double)

Polynomial mutation as implemented in original NSGA-II algorithm in C by Deb. This mutation expects Chromosome.value of floating point numbers.

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@JvmName(name = "mutShuffleIndexesArray")
fun <T, F> CellEvolveScope<Array<T>, F>.mutShuffleIndexes(chance: Double, shuffleIndexesChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutShuffleIndexesBooleanArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<BooleanArray, F>.mutShuffleIndexes(chance: Double, shuffleIndexesChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutShuffleIndexesByteArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<ByteArray, F>.mutShuffleIndexes(chance: Double, shuffleIndexesChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutShuffleIndexesCharArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<CharArray, F>.mutShuffleIndexes(chance: Double, shuffleIndexesChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutShuffleIndexesDoubleArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.mutShuffleIndexes(chance: Double, shuffleIndexesChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutShuffleIndexesFloatArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<FloatArray, F>.mutShuffleIndexes(chance: Double, shuffleIndexesChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutShuffleIndexesIntArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<IntArray, F>.mutShuffleIndexes(chance: Double, shuffleIndexesChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutShuffleIndexesLongArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<LongArray, F>.mutShuffleIndexes(chance: Double, shuffleIndexesChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutShuffleIndexesShortArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<ShortArray, F>.mutShuffleIndexes(chance: Double, shuffleIndexesChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutShuffleIndexesMutableList")
fun <T, F> CellEvolveScope<MutableList<T>, F>.mutShuffleIndexes(chance: Double, shuffleIndexesChance: Double)

Executes a shuffle the attributes of the input chromosome. Usually this mutation is applied on vector of indices.

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@JvmName(name = "mutUniformDoubleArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<DoubleArray, F>.mutUniform(low: Double, up: Double, chance: Double, uniformChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutUniformIntArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<IntArray, F>.mutUniform(low: Int, up: Int, chance: Double, uniformChance: Double)
@JvmName(name = "mutUniformLongArray")
fun <F> CellEvolveScope<LongArray, F>.mutUniform(low: Long, up: Long, chance: Double, uniformChance: Double)

Executes a uniform mutation for the attributes of the input chromosome.

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fun <V, F> CellEvolveScope<V, F>.selBest(count: Int, fillWithSelected: Boolean = false)

Executes best selection step for CellEvolveScope.neighbors.

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inline fun <V, F> CellEvolveScope<V, F>.selection(selection: (source: Array<Chromosome<V, F>>) -> Chromosome<V, F>)

Performs a selection step for population in CellularGA. Selects one partner from neighbors determined by the CellularNeighborhood with selection function. Selected partner will be moved to the first position of CellEvolveScope.neighbors (index = 0).

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Executes random selection step for CellEvolveScope.neighbors.

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@JvmName(name = "selRouletteFitByte")
fun <V> CellEvolveScope<V, Byte>.selRoulette()
@JvmName(name = "selRouletteFitDouble")
fun <V> CellEvolveScope<V, Double>.selRoulette()
@JvmName(name = "selRouletteFitFloat")
fun <V> CellEvolveScope<V, Float>.selRoulette()
@JvmName(name = "selRouletteFitInt")
fun <V> CellEvolveScope<V, Int>.selRoulette()
@JvmName(name = "selRouletteFitLong")
fun <V> CellEvolveScope<V, Long>.selRoulette()
@JvmName(name = "selRouletteFitShort")
fun <V> CellEvolveScope<V, Short>.selRoulette()

Executes roulette selection step for CellEvolveScope.neighbors:

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Executes tournament selection step for CellEvolveScope.neighbors:

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fun <V, F> CellEvolveScope<V, F>.selWorst(count: Int, fillWithSelected: Boolean = false)

Executes best selection step for CellEvolveScope.neighbors.