Cellular GA
CellularGA - cellular genetic algorithm (cGA).
V - value of Chromosome
F - fitness value of Chromosome
A cellular genetic algorithm is a kind of genetic algorithm in which individuals cannot mate arbitrarily, but every one interacts with its closer neighbors on which a basic evolution strategy
is applied (selection
, crossover
, mutation
, evaluation
Creates with Kotlin DSL by cGA.
See also
Creates SessionsInfo that describes all activity of GA.
The best Chromosome in Population by fitness.
The best fitness of Chromosome in Population.
Cellular type for CellularGA.
Flag for elitism in CellularGA.
Fitness function - a function that evaluates the quality or "fitness" of each individual (chromosome) in a population. The fitness function determines how well a particular solution matches the target problem. It can be changed.
Neighborhood for CellularGA.
Population of homogeneous chromosomes for CellularGA.
Statistics configuration associated with GA.
Store for all TimeMarkers of GA.
The worst Chromosome in Population by fitness.
The worst fitness of Chromosome in Population.
Unsubscribe and clear all collectors for StatisticsProvider.
Unsubscribe and remove collector by id.
Start GA with runBlocking, non suspend function.
Stop genetic algorithm.