inline fun <V, F> cGA(population: CellularPopulation<V, F>, noinline fitnessFunction: (V) -> F, config: CellularConfigScope<V, F>.() -> Unit): CellularGA<V, F>

Creates CellularGA with Kotlin DSL.

Example for OneMax task:

// Set a population configuration
// population size = 6 * 6 * 6 = 216 (cube)
population = population(dimens = Dimens.cube(length = 6)) {
booleans(size = 100)
// Set a fitness function
fitnessFunction = { value -> value.count { it } },
random = Random(seed = 42) // set pseudo random number generator
elitism = true // set elitism
cellularType = CellularType.Synchronous // set cellular type
neighborhood = Moore(radius = 1) // set cellular neighborhood

before {
println("GA STARTED, Init population: $population")

evolve {
// Start to evolve all cells of cellular population with their neighborhoods
// This operator perform N evolutionary strategies for each cell, where N - cells count
evolveCells {
selTournament(size = 3) // select neighbor as second parent
cxOnePoint(chance = 0.8) // crossover
mutFlipBit(chance = 0.2, flipBitChance = 0.01) // mutate child
evaluation() // evaluate child

stopBy(maxIteration = 50) { bestFitness == 100 } // finish GA by conditions

after {
println("GA FINISHED, Result = $best")



population of CellularGA


fitness function for evaluation step


scope function to initialize CellularGA

See also