Distributed Config
Describes the configuration parameters necessary for the operation of the DistributedGA.
See also
Callback after evolution process. Executed at launch when GA.state is going to be State.FINISHED.
Callback before evolution process. Executed only once at launch if GA.iteration is 0.
Shared statistics
: DistributedGA is collector for each child statistics - statistics of DistributedGA includes all statistics of children.
Fitness function - A function that evaluates the quality or "fitness" of each individual (chromosome) in a population. The fitness function determines how well a particular solution matches the target problem.
Parallelism configuration associated with GA.
Override base population as DistributedPopulation for DistributedGA.
Special container for creating and adding children to DistributedConfig.
Statistics configuration associated with GA.
Store for all TimeMarkers of GA.
Creates CellularGA as child for DistributedGA using Distributed Inheritance
(see DistributedConfig) with Kotlin DSL.
Creates CellularGAs as children for DistributedGA using Distributed Inheritance
(see DistributedConfig) with Kotlin DSL.
Creates PanmicticGA as child for DistributedGA using Distributed Inheritance
(see DistributedConfig) with Kotlin DSL.
Creates PanmicticGAs as children for DistributedGA using Distributed Inheritance
(see DistributedConfig) with Kotlin DSL.
Creates CellularPopulation as subpopulation for DistributedGA using Distributed Inheritance
(see DistributedConfig).
Creates PanmicticPopulation as subpopulation for DistributedGA using Distributed Inheritance
(see DistributedConfig).